Leadership Series: It’s My Fault Because…

People have many misconceptions when it comes to working in a team. First of all, is that the onus of whether the team achieves its objectives or not lies solely with the leader. Not so. The team leader steers the direction of the team, but ultimately, everyone in the team needs to play their role so that they can achieve success. The second misconception is that each individual is only responsible for their own little part of the team. Again, this couldn’t be further from the truth and a very myopic view of the big picture. Your job may only encompass a very small part in the team, but nevertheless it is still crucial and at the end of the day, will affect the team’s performance. Think of it like a clock and each individual person in the team is a part of the clock. Even if a tiny screw is missing, it will make the entire clock stop working. So definitely, when your team doesn’t perform it is your fault. It’s your fault because...