Public Speaking Tip: Make Room for Mistakes
The best speeches made are not the ones that are fully memorized and delivered flawlessly. The best speeches are the ones that the speakers are so adept at covering up their mistakes, you think it's part of the speech. Let's face it, it is not always possible to memorize an entire speech. Even actors don't do an entire movie at one go. They have rehearsals and work based on one scene at a time. Sometimes they need several takes to get it right and if they don't, they have editors to make one scene flow seamlessly into the next one. Here are some our best loved tips to delivering a speech, not necessarily without flaws. 1. Have Cue Cards Most speakers have cue cards containing the main points of their speech that they refer to periodically, but that's all of their speech that is written. The others they expand from their main points, not necessarily word for word from what they originally planned on doing. This is part of the art of public s...