The Great Adventure

What is your greatest adventure?

Many of us dream of travelling to far off places, drop everything and just hit the open roads with no road maps or plans and just a few good friends, or going at it solo...all for the purpose of getting away from the hustle and bustle of daily life and...just be...

Be a traveller
Be an enquirer
Be a student
Be clay waiting to be molded into a masterpiece

Whatever your reasons, the great adventures of life have helped shaped us into the person that we are today.

And guess what?  Having an adventure doesn't mean needing to go some place far away.  Adventure can be found in the mundane everyday things, such as driving in Penang like a few of our members shared during the night.

Or things like trying out a new hairstyle, new cafe, getting lost on the way to work and discovering a new route or place to hang out.

Look for adventure in life, in everything that you do.  That's where the magic is.

The adventurers for the night
If you would like the opportunity to hone your public speaking skills as well as learn leadership skills, join us for our bi-monthly meetings on every 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month.  Our meetings start at 8pm.  For further information please contact us at or refer to our Next Meeting page for information on our next meeting.


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